La règle de localisation des prestations de services en fonction de leur exploitation ou de leur utilisation effective
LVMA Tax consulting La règle de localisation des prestations de services en fonction de...
To offer tailor-made services with appropriate fees in order to build a long-lasting relationship with our clients
LVMA Tax Consulting offers its services to companies, regardless of their size, established or not in Belgium, to trustees, operators in the non-market sector (i.e. non-profit organisations, associations, public law bodies, hospitals, etc.) and in general to anyone who wishes to obtain a VAT advice or assistance.
The VAT legislation is a constantly evolving subject both at national and international level. Its approach is both legal and economic, which makes it particularly difficult for economic actors to understand and handle it. For this reason, we are convinced that only a specialised firm can handle all aspects of VAT.
LVMA Tax consulting La règle de localisation des prestations de services en fonction de...
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Michaël ANNAERT peut se prévaloir d’une grande expérience dans le domaine de la consultance en matière de TVA, ayant exercé plus de 13 ans au sein de différents cabinets de conseil de taille diverse.
Son parcours professionnel l’a amené à conseiller des organismes de droit public, des organismes du secteur non-marchand (i.e. hôpitaux, ASBL) ainsi que des sociétés belges et internationales, évoluant dans des secteurs aussi divers que variés (i.e. secteurs immobilier, industriel, e-commerce, bancaire et assurances, pharmaceutique, etc). Fort de cette expérience, Michaël a fondé le cabinet LVMA Tax Consulting en 2019. Il est également Conseil fiscal agréé par l’Institut des Experts-comptables et Conseils fiscaux (IEC).
Michaël est régulièrement invité en qualité d’orateur dans le cadre de séminaires et de conférences destinés aux professionnels de la fiscalité.
Michaël ANNAERT has extensive experience in the field of VAT consultancy, having worked for more than 12 years in different consulting firms of various sizes (including a Big 4).
His professional career has led him to advise public law bodies, non-profit organisations as well as Belgian and international companies in sectors as diverse as real estate, petrochemicals, ready-to-wear, e-commerce, bank, etc.
With this experience under his belt, Michaël founded LVMA Tax Consulting in 2019. He is also a Certified Tax Consultant with the Institute of Tax Advisers and Accountants (ITAA).
Michaël is regularly invited as a speaker at seminars and conferences for tax professionals.